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We thoroughly study the market before developing our agricultural strategies, to ensure maximum impact. All programs adopt the value-chain approach. They aim at promoting agricultural productivity, improving food security and enhancing rural livelihoods.

The journey began with a vital mission:

The Modernization of Lebanese Orchards in 1997

There had been a sharp decline in apple production as growers were relying on aging orchards and outdated techniques. Lebanon’s ability to produce and export apples was at stake; cherries, plums, and pears suffered the same fate. To address the situation, GNFF developed thorough market studies; it engaged in experimental trials in its own nurseries and worked on raising national awareness. As a result, farmers started renewing their orchards with modern varieties. Over 500,000 fruit trees were distributed and planted across the country. 

The Foundation’s support to growers continued with the Agriculture Extension Program, launched in 1999. For the first time ever, structured help was readily available: a dedicated hotline was created and informative newsletters were published. In addition, a team of highly skilled agriculture engineers empowered farmers through organized focus group discussions, field visits, and targeted training. We still do so today, by providing fruits and vegetables growers, cooperatives, and MSMEs with comprehensive assistance.

The journey began
with a vital mission:

The Modernization of Lebanese Orchards in 1997

There had been a sharp decline in apple production as growers were relying on aging orchards and outdated techniques. Lebanon’s ability to produce and export apples was at stake; cherries, plums, and pears suffered the same fate. To address the situation, GNFF developed thorough market studies; it engaged in experimental trials in its own nurseries and worked on raising national awareness. As a result, farmers started renewing their orchards with modern varieties. Over 500,000 fruit trees were distributed and planted across the country. 

The Foundation’s support to growers continued with the Agriculture Extension Program, launched in 1999. For the first time ever, structured help was readily available: a dedicated hotline was created and informative newsletters were published. In addition, a team of highly skilled agriculture engineers empowered farmers through organized focus group discussions, field visits, and targeted training. We still do so today, by providing fruits and vegetables growers, cooperatives, and MSMEs with comprehensive assistance.


Increased Revenue from Safe and Healthy Agriculture Development

More than 25 years of
expertise in the agriculture
& agri-business sector


Increased Revenue from Safe and Healthy Agriculture Development

More than 25 years of expertise in the agriculture & agri-business sector

GNFF Demonstration Farms
Value Chain Analysis
and Market Systems
Cooperation with Public/Private
sectors & Government agencies
GNFF Demonstration Farms
Value Chain Analysis
and Market Systems
Cooperation with Public/Private
Sectors & Government Agencies

We have been encouraging job creation and building farmers’ resilience through our agricultural umbrella program. Its goal is to improve the livelihood of fruits and vegetable growers and their families in Lebanon, empowering them through fostering innovation and new technology, with a focus on gender mainstreaming and youth empowerment.

IRSHAD functions as a hub, offering an array of customized agricultural advisory services and hands-on assistance. Its beneficiaries include farmers and growers, MSMEs as well as cooperatives and early-seed entrepreneurs. Since its inception, the program has benefited more than 100,000 fruit and vegetable farmers & farm units, 20 cooperatives, and 1000 MSMEs.

Hotline for IRSHAD: 79-184288